Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Exciting Innovation - Sixth Sense

So if you get a kick out of tech innovations, watch this video.

I bet in 10 years, this will be common across the globe. A new era in user experience!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Bloglines ... .. .

Am moving away from Bloglines after 5-6 years. I am not too sure how long they will survive and for some of us it appears as if people have already left forgetting to turn the servers off and at some point, when all payment reminders are sent and not responded, the ISPs might just decide to pull the plug.

Just worrying if such a state occurs to Facebook or LinkedIn!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Global Corruption Map

A global corruption map by Forbes. Maps countries against Corruption Perception Index.

Bandwidth Sync Correlation & Media

(reproduced from Seth Godin's blog, including the text)

So, what can you learn here?

  1. There's a huge correlation between how much interaction there is and how powerful a medium is (at least among successful media). Telephones changed the world because the interaction is so real. As you get more interactive, though, you exchange less dense media. You can't have a real time conversation online that carries the digital impact of a movie or some other high bandwidth entertainment.
  2. The bottom left corner is the scrap heap. It's hard to place a commercial value on this part of the grid and there's not a lot of commercially interesting work being done here. People just aren't interested in low bandwidth, non-interactive media. Graffiti, for example, rarely draws a paying crowd.
  3. The top right of the corner is where huge value and difficult sales lie. Not everyone can pay for the scarce resources needed to deliver an in-person seminar or one on one coaching, but those that need and can afford it, love it.

If you had seen this chart three years ago, you obviously would have invented Twitter. Now that you see it today, what will you create?

(Thanks: Seth Godin).